

The desire to keep the ancient flavors of our grandmothers but projected into the future has made this idea of combining our culinary tradition with the novelties offered by modern society in the creation of biscuits and pastries in a truly unique and refined mix. We are a family-run artisan company with more than 20 years of experience;

we decided to aim for high quality production starting from the careful selection of raw materials, using high-percentage fillings of fruit. Furthermore, in most of our articles vegetable fats are WITHOUT PALM OIL, Emulsifiers and Preservatives.

Product Line


You can find our product line in all Conad, Sigma, D’Italy Supermercati, Iper La Rotonda and stores in the Rearco Group in the provinces of Modena, Bologna, Piacenza, Mantova, Imola and Reggio Emilia.

From today you can also find us at Centrale Adriatica Coop 3.0, Boma s.r.l lekkerland (MI) and GRUPPO LEKKERLAND ITALIA with branded products, delights of tradition.

For more information on our products fill out the form below, you will receive a reply from our staff as soon as possible.

    The personal data provided will be acquired by the Data Controller who will process them, according to the privacy law, for the sole purpose of responding to the contact request.

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